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宋磊, 赵庆, 许东先, 章驰, 钱万惠, 唐洪辉, 陈星澄
探索台风灾害与城市森林群落结构特征的关系,为构建抗逆力强的城市森林生态系统提供科 学依据。采用样方调查法,在粤港澳大湾区的广州、佛山和珠海市共设置 186 个样方,选取城市森林树 种组成、径级、高度级和冠面积等级为指标,开展台风影响下城市森林群落结构特征差异比较研究。结 果表明:珠海市城市森林树种丰富度均小于广州和佛山市;广州和佛山市的城市森林径级分布有明显的 区位差异;珠海市城市森林树木的平均胸径比广州和佛山市高,但平均高度比广州和佛山市小。建议在 台风灾害影响多发地的粤港澳大湾区城市森林群落构建中,选择小经级、低层和小冠层的抗风树种作为 城市森林建设的主体,采用增大平均胸径、降低平均树高、保留适宜林冠层疏透性的群落结构调控策略, 有利于构建抗台风能力强的城市森林森林生态系统。
关键词:   台风;城市森林;径级结构;高度级结构;粤港澳大湾区
Study on the Influence of Typhoon on Urban Forest Community Structure in Guangdong- Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area
SONG Lei, ZHAO Qing, XU Dongxian, ZHANG Chi, QIAN Wanhui, TANG Honghui
Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture Protection and Utilization
The relationship between typhoon disaster and urban forest community structure characteristics was explored to provide scientific basis for the construction of urban forest ecosystem with high resistance. A total of 186 quadrats have been set up in Guangzhou, Foshan and Zhuhai in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(GBA), and the structure characteristics of forest diameter class, height class and crown area class was selected to study the influence of typhoon on structure characteristics differences of urban forest in three cities. The results indicate that the urban forest species richness in Zhuhai was lower than that in Guangzhou and Foshan. The structure characteristics of urban forest in Guangzhou and Foshan had obvious location difference with the transition from the urban area to the urban fringe area; The average diameter at breast height(DBH)of urban forest trees in Zhuhai was higher than that in Guangzhou and Foshan, but the average height was smaller than that in Guangzhou and Foshan. It is suggested that small-path, low-rise and small canopy trees were selected as the main part of urban forest construction and the community structure regulation strategy of increasing average DBH, reducing average tree height and retaining appropriate canopy permeability is conducive to the construction of urban forest ecosystem with strong typhoon resistance in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area affected by typhoon disasters.
Key words:   typhoon; urban forest; DBH structure; height structure; Guangdong- Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area