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7 a生人工林20种阔叶树种的生长分析

广东省林业科技推广总站 广州,广东省东江林场,,广东省林业科技推广总站 广州,美高梅,美高梅 广东广州
通过对广东省东江林场7 a生人工林20个树种的生长表现调查及综合分析,结果显示:不同树种间的树高、胸径、冠幅均差异极显著(P<0.01),而且3个指标间显著正相关,通过聚类分析可将20个树种分为4类,红花荷和南酸枣生长表现最优,属于速生树种;西南桦、深山含笑、山杜英、翻白叶、山桂花、青冈、红锥、大叶紫薇生长表现次之;阴香、荷木、枫香、火力楠、海南红豆、黎蒴、樟树属中等速生树种;格木、楝叶吴茱萸、麻楝生长较慢。
关键词:   人工林;阔叶树种;生长表现
分类号 S718.4
基金项目:“十二五”国家科技支撑项目“南方集体林区生态公益林可持续经营技术研究与示范”(2012BAD22B05); 广东省林业科技创新专项“樟树、木荷、黎蒴等重要乡土阔叶树种优良家系选育及高效栽培技术研究与示范”(2013KJCX00101)
Analysis on Growth of 20 Broadleaved Species in an 7yearold Artificial Forest
Wu Qing,Li Xingyu,Qu Chao,He Boxiang and Lian Huiming
Guangdong Academy of Forestry,Guangdong Academy of Forestry
The growth of a 7 years old artificial forest, including 20 tree species, planted in Dongjiang Forest Farm were investigated. The results showed that there were extremely significant differences (P<0.01) among different species in tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH), and crown width. 20 species could be divided into four categories based on their growth. Choerospondias axillaris and Rhodoleia championii showed optimal growth performance, which belonged to the fastgrowing species. The growth of Betula alnoides, Michelia maudiae, Elaeocarpus sylvestris, Pterospermum heterophyllum, Paramichelia baillonii, Cyclobalanopsis jenseniana, Castanopsis hystrix and Lagerstroemia speciosa were less than that of the fast growing species. Cinnamomum burmannii, Schima superba, Liquidambar formosana, Michelia macclurei, Ormosia pinnata, Castanopsis fissa and Cinnamomum camphora showeded the medium fast growth; Eryrophleum fordii, Tetradium glabrifolium, and Chukrasia tabularia showed the slowest growth.
Key words:   rtificial forest;broadleaved tree species; growth performance