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通过对乐昌市1986—1988、2002—2003、2006—2013年共3次植物资源普查资料对比分析,结果表明乐昌市2006—2013年外来植物种类与1986—1988年相比增加了近40%,且增速有加快的趋势;外来植物种群数量也呈现较快增长,尤其是危害性较大的入侵植物,如空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)、豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia)、毒麦(Lolium temulentum)等。分析认为,乐昌市外来植物种类和数量显著增加的主要原因是:该地交通条件的改善;经贸、旅游活动及引种活动的增加以及气候变化的影响。为降低外来入侵植物对乐昌市的危害,应作出如下应对:一是尽快建立外来入侵植物防御体系;二是开展调查,广泛宣传;三是建立外来物种入侵风险评估系统;四是建立外来物种入侵爆发快速反应系统。
关键词:   乐昌市;外来植物;变化;应对措施
分类号 s791.246
基金项目:exotic plants; changes in response;countermeasure
Analysis of Exotic Plant Species in Lechang City
Zou Bin
Through the data comparative analysis of three large scale surveys in Lechang city, the exotic plants species had increased by almost 40% during recent 25 years, and the growth showed an accelerating tendency. The populations of exotic plants also presented a rapid growth, espedcilly increased rapidly, the harmful invasive plants had also increased rapidly. especially the harmfulness exotic plants, such as Alternanthera philoxeroides, Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Lolium temulentum, etc.The analysis showed that the reasons of those changes included improvement of local transportation condition, increasing of trade and economic, tourism and introduction activities, and the impact of climate change. There were following strategies should be adopted to reduce the harmfulness of exotic plants on local plants. The invasive plants defense system should be established as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the surveys should be conducted and the range of propaganda work should be expanded. Finally, invasive species risk assessment system and rapid response system should also be established.
Key words:   Lechang city;exotic plants; change;countermeasure