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为提高主要栽培珍贵树种米老排 (Mytilaria laosensis)组培苗的移植成活率,以选育的优良无 性系组培生根苗为材料,研究炼苗方式、基质、苗木规格、植后施肥及移植季节等对移植成活率和苗木 生长发育的影响。结果表明:松盖炼苗 3 d,出瓶苗高度大于 2 cm,植后 3 d 喷施 1 MS 大量元素营养液 是较好的处理,在大棚条件下移植,不带黄心土的轻基质和河沙都是适合基质,移植成活率 90% 以上, 在大田条件下移植,以黄心土 : 泥炭土 =1:1 或黄心土 : 蛭石 =1:1 为基质移植成活率较高。移植季节以 4 月成活率最高, 9 月、 10 月其次,考虑到我国南方地区最佳造林季节为 3—5 月,为减少苗圃管理成本, 米老排组培苗生产安排在 9—10 月出瓶移植是比较合理的选择。
关键词:   米老排;组培苗;移植;成活率
Study on Transplantation for Tissue-cultured Seedlings of Mytilaria laosensis and Its Influencing Factors
Qiu Zhen-Fei
Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry
The aim of this study was to improve the survival rate of the transplantation for the tissuecultured seedlings of rare tree species Mytilaria laosensis, and the selection of superior clones of tissue-cultured seedlings were used as the materials. And the effects of acclimatization, substrate, seedling size, postharvest fertilization, and transplant season on transplant survival rate and seedlings growth were analyzed. The results showed that the seedling height of the bottle was more than 2 cm after 3-day acclimatization in open bottles, and the optimum treatment were spraying with 1 MS macronutrient after transplantation for 3 days. The light substrates without subsoil of the yellow earth and river sand were the suitable substrates for transplantation under the conditions of the greenhouse, and the survival rate of transplantation was above 90%. The survival rate of transplantation was significantly higher with the substrates of subsoil of the yellow earth: peat soil=1:1 or subsoil of the yellow earth: vermiculite =1:1 under the condition of the field cultivation. The best transplant season was in April, followed by September and October. Because the optimal afforestation season in southern China was from March to May, and in order to reduce the cost of nursery management, the reasonable transplantation time of tissue-cultured seedlings of M. laosensis was from September to October.
Key words:   Mytilaria laosensis; tissue-cultured seedling; transplantation; survival rate